Hello, I'm Xing Wu
and welcome to my site where I introduce myself and showcase my code!

I'm a Computer Science student at Ryerson University graduating June 2023.

I was previously an Automation QA in CAAT Pension Plan and a Cloud Test Developer in Caseware.

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I'm interested in drawing, reading manga and most importantly:

Mobile and Game Development (Sometimes even Both!)

github linkedin pdf

My Previous Experience

Cloud Test Developer @ Caseware
September 2020 - May 2021

Created test scripts in Typescript for automated front-end testing on the Cloud Engagement Web for Caseware Products.

QA Automation Engineer @ CAAT
May 2021 - Aug 2021

Did Manual and Automated Testing using Azure DevOps, Apache Jmeter and Ranorex.

My Most Significant Projects

Interactive Snake Animation

An interactable animation created using JS/HTML/CSS and the Paperscript framework.

This was created in 4 hours for a hackathon and won 4th place.

TAPMAN: Roguelike Game

A web game made using Javascript with the Phaser Framework.

I collaborated in a team of three to implement Roguelike mechanics such as Random Dungeon Generation into this game.

My Personal Website
(This Site!)

This website was made using Javascript/HTML/CSS and the Bootstrap Framework.

This site is constantly being updated so you will see more features and projects being added as time goes on.

Website Last updated 1/2/2022